31 ESSENTIAL First Time IRELAND Travel Tips
Nobody says top of the morning to you except for your annoying co-worker on St. Paddy's Day. True Ireland is one of our all-time favorite destinations. Friendly locals, rugged beautiful scenery and an evolving cuisine that's one of the most underrated in Europe. Ireland holds one of the richest cultures in Europe with over 7,000 years of history from ancient burial grounds to Iron Age fortresses and some of the most intact ruins on the continent. Ireland is a product of thousands of years of emigration and conquest, from the Celts who gave the island its language, music, and the arts, to the Vikings who raided Ireland but built some of its largest cities including Dublin, to the British who ruled Ireland as a colony for nearly eight hundred years. During the Dark Ages Irish monks played a crucial role in preserving ancient knowledge, locking themselves up in remote monasteries like Skellig Michael now famous from Star Wars the Last Jedi where they transcribed old books into...